Friday, September 23, 2011

Begin where you stand.

It’s a chilly grey September afternoon. It’s pouring outside and here I am packing for a weekend jaunt to Atlantic City. As self absorbed as always, Mother Nature has showed up with her own plans for my weekend!! What she doesn’t know is that I sorta love this weather J Nice and cool, keeps most tourists safely indoors, no sunburn, and a chance to wear my pink polka dot rain boots! But she doesn’t need to know all that. I’ll let her continue to think she has the upper hand.

Staring out the window at a sleepy, soggy NYC I’m reminded of another rainy September afternoon, just a few years ago, in a completely different city. . . . .and of a travel journal I half-assedly kept during what was easily the greatest trip of my life (thus far). I’ve always meant to finish it, and I’ve always meant to start a travel blog. . . .but I never really went anywhere. . . . .Then I realized that I work and play in one of the greatest cities in the world and I travel every day!!! Even the longest journey must begin where you stand right? So I’ve decided to go digital with my travel journal asap.

Sidebar: I’ve been doing a lot more traveling lately; and by traveling I mean random long-weekend excursions to cities I’ve mostly only seen on TV. But I take great pics! Someday (and someday soon!) I hope to have much more exotic locales to write about. ::Stay tuned::